Notwithstanding the extreme temperature Warringa Herefords had a very successful Stock & Land Beef Week Open day on Friday 31 January 2020 at Sarsfield.
Warringa decided that together with their 2 year old bulls, they would offer, for the first time, their young rising yearling bull calves for inspection and sale. This proved to be an added drawcard as we had, not only regular clients and visitors attended but also many new clients, visitors and agents. It was very satisfying to see the interest in and here the discussion about the young bulls, particularly as they were sired by breed leading sires which were new genetics to the Warringa herd.
Two bulls were sold on the day:
Warringa President P216 (AI) (H) – A rising 2 year old horned bull who sold for $11000 to new clients Phil & Kerry Geehman of Ensay. Vic.
Warringa Quincy Q211 (AI) (PP)- A 10 month old Homozygous Polled bull calf who sold for $12000 to new clients Newcomen Herefords of Ensay. Vic.
Warringa Herefords again thank all clients, visitors and agents who attended their Stock & Land Beef Week Open Day for their support, enthusiasm and confidence in our cattle and breeding programme and their complimentary remarks.