Warringa Herefords are pleased to introduce Herefords Australia SUPER SIRE:-
Warringa Rumpole R206 (AI) (PP).
Rumpole R206 is a super young bull with tremendous genetic potential. He has presence, excellent structure and an outstanding set of BREEDPLAN EBV’s.
He is in the top 1% for Gestation Length, top 2% NBT Index, top 3% Scrotal, top 4% 400 Day Wt, Carcase Wt, IMF and SBM Index, top 6% 200 Day Wt, top 7% 600 Day Wt, SSR & NSR Indexes, top 10% Mat. Cow Wt, top 18% Rump Fat, top 20% Calv. Ease Dir and EMA.

His genetic potential includes short gestation length, calving ease and low birthweight, outstanding growth, fertility, carcase quality and well in excess of three times the breed average for IMF (Marbling). His production Index Values are all within the top 10% of the breed.
Rumpole R206 is Homozygous Polled and both parent and mating verified, free of all known genetic conditions and tested negative to Pestivirus. Eye Pigment 100/100.
Rumpole R206 sells as Lot 13 in the Inaugural Gippsland Performance Herefords Bull Sale Online on AuctionsPlus @11am Wednesday 1 September 2021.